The factory received “mysterious”order. It confirmed the goods usage by MicroBlog on Olympics eve.
Source: Southern Metropolis Daily on July 31 of 2012
Author: ZhanglongXu YiqiChen
Summary: for many years,in many large tournaments we always found the elements of “ Made in Dongguan”, ofcourse including London Olympics. The reporter of Southern Metropolis Daily learned yesterday that thelanyards of Olympic official employee’s cards & reporter’s cards wereproduced by a
WeavingString factory in Shatian town.
On July 30, Dongguan Zhanhong Weaving String Co.,Ltd was responsible to
produceLondon Olympic official lanyards. Thereporter of Southern
Metropolis Daily YiqiChen took photo.
According to the news ofSouthern Metropolis Daily, reporter: Zhanglong Xu
Trainee: Lin Zhang
For many years, in manylarge tournaments we always found the elements of “ Made in Dongguan”, ofcourse including London Olympics. The reporter
of Southern MetropolisDaily learned yesterday that the lanyards of Olympic
official employee’scards & reporter’s cards were produced by a Weaving
Stringfactory in Shatian town.
According to the boss ofthat factory, in March of this year the factory received a mysterious order,within the following days of less than one month, the
factory hurried toproduce 700 thousand lanyards of cards. Until a few hours of opening ceremony ofthe London Olympics ago, they found that the
fluttering lanyards onthe necks of tournament scene reporters and staff were produced by theirfactory. ( Source: Southern Metropolis Daily,
Mysteriousclient mysterious order ( Source:Southern Metropolis Daily, Southern Network)
Beijin time: 0:00 pmon July 28, a Chinese reporter which took part in London Olympics openingceremony showed a photo about himself by MicroBlog, and then the famousMicroBlogger Shiqi Pan forwarded the photo and attracted crowds rapidly. Aninternet friend saw the photo and felt excited because the reporter cardhanging on the neck attracted attention, “ the lanyard of the reporter card issure to be produced by our factory”, the internet friend is just the boss(Jieming Chen) of DongguanZhanhong Weaving String Co.,Ltd which lies in Shatian town of Dongguan. (Source: SouthernMetropolis Daily, Southern Network )
Yesterday JiemingChen told the reporter of Southern Metropolis Daily, after he participated in CantonFair in April of 2010, some clients went to negociate the cooperation projectof 2012 London Olympics, among them there was a “mysterious” client who keepedin close touch with him in order to promote the project. In September of thatyear the client officially committed the third party to verify Zhanhong factoryand the verification items included production capacity, quality control,social responsibility etc, after two months the factory smoothly passed the factoryinspection.
“After factoryinspection, they began to undertake the production of the promotion giftsrelated to London Olympics and selling products. But the buyer didn’t tell usthat our products are used for official lanyards of delegations.” Jieming Chenrecalled. In March of this year the buyer began to provide the initial designdrawing, and then after several times of modification with the factory, thebuyer confirmed the design drawing hastily until the beginning of April.
The factory had everprovided lanyards for Athens Olympic Games
Jieming Chen said,the total production time that the buyer permitted for the factory was reallyless than one month, at that time they didn’t know the order was fordelegations of London Olympic Games, the client only said the order was veryvery important and the quality must meet the requirements exactly, nopermitting a little of heavy metals and carcinogens. Each product passed stricttest. “Their staff moved and lived in the nearby factory, they must verifyevery process”.
“Striving for 20working days continously, we finally finished the task of the client on time.” JiemingChen recalled. “ On the delivery date the client felt very satisfied, hethought it’s incredible to finish the task with such high quality within suchshort delivery time. The client insisted to invite all the staff who wereresponsible for the order to dinner for celebration, but he didn’t reveal theusage of the product.”
Until the eve of openingceremony of London Olympic Games, Jieming Chen learned by MicroBlog that thelanyards manufactured by their factory were the passing lanyards ofdelegations, official staff and reporters. According to Jieming Chen, Zhanhongfactory had produced 700 thousand of lanyards totally, after investigation, helearned 550 thousand of lanyards were for Olympic Games specially, 150 thousandof lanyards were for the Paralympics. Yesterday Jieming Chen showed “Customsclearance certificate” which was offered by the client, on the certificate itclearly showed that the lanyards manufactured by Zhanhong factory wereauthorized by 2012 London Olympic Games Organizing Committee officially.
For many years, in many largetournaments we always found the elements of “ Made in Dongguan”. For example, in2003 Zhanhong factory had ever
produced the official lanyards of 2004 Athens Olympic Games.In London
Olympic Games of thisyear, “Wenlock” (London Olympic mascot) etc
Olympic CharteredSouvenirs were manufactured by a toy factory of Hengli
Please see the relevantreport of “Southern Metropolis Daily” about our factory:
Contact Person:
(0086)-769-88666118-8010 / (0086)-13450015004
44th Pearl road, Shatian Town, Dongguan City, Guangdong Province, 523981, CHINA